ERELIS has an experience Photogrammetry team equipped with the latest digital photogrammetry PPK/RTK systems and software. We offer leading-edge professional mapping services that are time and cost-effective.
We offer cost-effective and consistent quality LIDAR services with international standards. We have extensive experience categorizing LIDAR point cloud data into different classes like bare ground, buildings, bridges, low & high vegetation, forestry, high tension wires & cables.
Give customers a reason to do business with you.
Hydrography / Bathymetry is the branch of applied sciences that measures and describes the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes, and rivers and predicts their change over time for monitoring, survey, etc.
We provide services and solutions based on UAV equipped with ECHO Sounders and LOW-Frequency GPR for cost and time-effective survey of sea’s shoreline areas, lakes, rivers, basins with much seaweed where an ROV or boat survey is not possible.
Drone technology has made significant progress in reliability, efficiency, and price. In agriculture, drone-based remote sensing technology is a convenient, cost-efficient way to gain a complete and in-depth understanding of your fields, crops, and forestry.
Multispectral indexes help landowners reduce the operational expenses for agrochemicals while optimizing the yield simultaneously. Some studies forecast the potential of up to 80% savings in precision agriculture compared to conventional production methods.
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